
Common Dental Issues We Fix:

Gum Disease (Periodontitis) Treatment

Gum Disease | Periodontitis | Gum Infection Treated | Waterville, ME Dentist

By Waterville Family Dentistry

Do I have Gum Disease?

Gum disease is also known by it’s more official name, periodontitis. Whatever you choose to call it, there’s nothing good about this common dental issue.

Caused by an infection of the gums that destroys soft tissue at first, then may go on to spit bone loss in areas critical to supporting your teeth. Hence, gum disease may lead to loose teeth and also lost teeth.

The good news about gum disease: It’s preventable. Between brushing, flossing and good oral hygiene, plus regular dental checkups at Waterville Family Dentistry, every and anyone can greatly reduce the chances of contacting periodontitis.

 Left untreated, gum disease can be debilitating. Don’t let it happen!”

Symptoms of Gum Disease:

  • Bleeding Gums
  • Tender Gums
  •  Blood On Toothbrush
  • Swollen and/or Puffy Gums
  • Halitosis (Bad Breath)
  • Tooth Loss or Loosening
  • Pain While Eating

What Causes Gum Disease? 

Infrequent and incomplete dental hygiene sets the stage for bacteria-laden plaque, which can lead to gum disease. Plaque forms on your teeth thanks to eating certain foods, plus ill-positioned teeth and over-long or -short gum lines.

Once formed, plaque requires professional dental cleaning by your general and family dentist here in Waterville, ME. Left untreated, plaque builds up and may cause gingivitis, a relatively mild form of periodontitis.

Gum inflammation caused by incomplete dental hygiene procedures will create pockets between the teeth and gums, filling with bacteria. Eventually, these pockets deepen and can cause bone and tissue loss, then the loss of a tooth or teeth.

Don’t Gamble With Gum Disease

There are many factors that can lead to gum disease, some of which are obvious. Others are out of your hands, like genetics, but we will take all these into account when working to restore your healthy, beautiful smile.

What are the risk factors for Gum Disease (Periodontitis):

  • Poor Dental Hygiene
  • Use of Tobacco Products
  • Pregnancy & Menopause
  • Drug Use (especially smoking and vaping)
  • Obesity/Poor Nutrition
  • Genetics
  • Gingivitis
  • Medications
  • Health Conditions
  • Disease

Again, we can’t say it enough… To prevent gum disease, good daily dental hygiene habits are critical, both early in life and throughout our trip ‘round this mortal coil. Brush your teeth, floss and visit Waterville Family Dentistry: we’ll hold the line against gum disease together.

Your first visit won’t be your last.

We look forward to having you join our family here at Waterville Family Dentistry!