
Common Dental Issues We Fix:


Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that leads to snowing, intermittent breathing, and lack of quality sleep.

Sleep Apnea Disorder | Snoring, Interrupted Breathing | Total Health

By Waterville Family Dentistry

Do I Have Sleep Apnea? 

Having trouble sleeping? Been told you’re not only snoring, but that your breathing starts and stops, sometimes for an uncomfortably long moment?

You might be suffering from sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that stops and starts the breath by causing the muscles in the back of the throat to overly relax. These are the same muscles that are critical to the structure of the soft palate.

When over-relaxation occurs, the airways narrow and the body doesn’t receive enough air, lowing your blood’s oxygen levels. Sensing this, the brain literally wakes you up for a split second to gasp oxygen. Depending on the severity of the situation, this can happen many times in a single hour. Multiply that by a night’s sleep, and you can see why you might be irritable of a given day and not even know why.

Sleeping all night and still exhausted? Might be sleep apnea. It can be treated.

What are the types of Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: muscles in the throat become too relaxed.

Central Sleep Apnea: A disconnection between brain and muscles that control breathing.

Complex Sleep Apnea Syndrome: a combination of both Obstructive and Central Sleep Apnea.

Feel like you might be suffering from sleep apnea? Seeking treatment can help improve specific physical conditions and overall health.

Watch Out For These Symptoms:

  • Stopped Breathing While Sleeping (as reported by a third party witness)
  • Sucking Air While Sleeping
  • Post-Sleep Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Dry Mouth
  • Daytime Sleepiness
  • Lack of Attention Span
  • Irritability

Remember, loud snoring can be due to multiple causes and isn’t always an indicator of sleep apnea, though it can be. If you do experience the above systems, especially if another person witnesses it, you’ll want to explore treatment options.

There are a number of risk factors for sleep apnea, though it may occur outside of all these factors. Certainly, though, these are reasons you might have sleep apnea.

What Are The Risk Factors of Sleep Apnea?

  • Excess Weight
  • Thick Neck
  • More Common In Men

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